MENOPAUSE SYMPTOMS SUPPORT I am a fully qualified and certified reiki and crystal master -teacher . All the gemstones i use have been carefully chosen to deal with the symptoms caused by the menopause .They have been cleansed under moonlight and been recharged with reiki healing energy before being made in to these lovely bracelets made from 8 mm gemstones on a heavy duty bead cord . each bracelet is presented in a organza bag Fire Agate Fire Agate has a strong protective function, dispelling fear, bringing security and safety and offering support during difficult times. It builds a protective shield around the body and protects against ill-wishes, returning the harm back to source to help the source understand the harm it’s doing. Fire Agate is associated with the fire element, which means it fires up the base chakra, stimulating vitality, preventing energy burn out and aiding in sexual endeavours. Fire Agate can be helpful in treating addictions as it helps to eliminate cravings and destructive desires. Fire Agate is said to encourage relaxation, introspection and enhance meditation. It is believed to bring up inner problems for resolution, aid growth of consciousness and bring spiritual fortitude. In healing, Fire Agate is used for stomach disorders, the nervous and endocrine systems, circulatory disorders, the eyes and it is also used to reduce hot flashes and remove heat from the body. Fire Agate can be used to clear etheric blockages and energise the aura or when placed on a blown chakra, it can gently bring it back online. Amethyst Amethyst is said to be a meditative and calming stone which works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to provide calm, balance, patience, and peace and help you feel less scattered. It is also believed to be an extremely powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual vibration used to protect against psychic attacks and negative thinking patterns, transmuting the energy into love. A natural tranquiliser, it is believed to help with insomnia, especially when caused by an overactive mind, and recurrent nightmares. Amethyst is believed to block geopathic stress and negative environmental energies. It is said to strengthen the endocrine glands and the nervous system, preventing mental weariness. Amethyst is said to enhance memory and improve motivation, making you more able to set realistic goals and aiding in the decision-making process. Amethyst is reputed to promote emotional balance, dispelling anger, rage, fear, and anxiety. It is also used to help heal personal losses and grief, promote peacefulness, happiness, and contentment. It is thought to be helpful for people about to make the transition through death. Amethyst is said to bring emotional stability and inner strength and to enhance flexibility and cooperation. It is very well known as a sobriety stone. Historically, it has been used to prevent drunkenness and is used to assist in getting rid of addictions to alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc., and destructive compulsive behaviours and overindulgences of all kinds. Amethyst is occasionally used to help stabilise psychiatric conditions, but it is thought that it shouldn’t be used in cases of paranoia or schizophrenia. Amethyst is used in healing to boost production of hormones, tune the endocrine system and metabolism, strengthen and cleanse the organs, immune system and blood, relieve physical, emotional and psychological pain or stress and block geopathic stress and for diseases of the of the digestive tract, intestines, regulating flora, removing parasites and encouraging re-absorption of water. It is used to ease headaches and release tension, reduce bruising, injuries, swellings and hearing disorders, heal respiratory tract diseases and skin conditions. It is also used in treating insomnia and to aid in getting a peaceful night’s sleep. Amethyst is associated with the crown chakra and simulates the throat chakra. Amethyst will fade in prolonged sunlight. Citrine (Cairngorm) Citrine is known as the stone of the sun. It is a stone of good fortune and good luck that is believed to attract abundance into your life, which could be in the form of wealth, relationships or fertility. Citrine is also said to bring energies of generosity so that prosperity and success is shared. Citrine is a warming, happy and energising stone. It is believed to bring happiness, joy and hope to the person who carries or wears it. Gloom and negativity have no place around Citrine. This stone promotes enjoyment of new experiences and encourages exploring new avenues. It is used to combat negative energy and is said to clear unwanted energies from the environment, making it a great stone to use for clearing the mind of conflicting thoughts and in resolving family issues. Because of its reputed ability to remove negative energy and bring positivity, it is used to relieve depression, fears, phobias, self-doubt, anger, and irrational mood swings. Citrine also does not absorb any negative energy from its surroundings so it never needs energetic clearing or cleansing. It has the ability to cleanse the chakras, especially the solar plexus chakra and it activates the crown chakra and opens the intuition. In healing, Citrine is an excellent stone for energizing and recharging. It is thought to be highly beneficial for CFS and reversing degenerative disease. It is used for healthy digestion, stomach, spleen and the pancreas, nightmares and other sleep disturbances, balancing thyroid, endocrine system, general health, heart, kidneys, bladder and urinary system, liver, muscles and strength, circulatory system, tissue regeneration, immune system, diabetes and fibromyalgia. Citrine is also reputed to be good for removing toxins, reducing self-destructive tendencies and overcoming addictions and emotional traumas and grief. Sensuality and sexuality are thought to also be heightened by Citrine making it a stone of positive choice for sexual issues. Citrine is associated with the solar plexus chakra and it will fade in prolonged sunlight. Fluorite Fluorite is a beautiful crystal that is considered to be the ultimate multi-tasking stone. It is thought to be useful in bringing stability to the mind and the emotions. This stone cleanses and stabilizes the aura and is the best crystal to use to overcome any form of disorganisation. It is used to cleanse, purify, dispel and reorganise anything within the body that is not in perfect order and draws off negative energies and stress of all kinds. It is said to be extremely effective against computer and electromagnetic stress. It is used to ground and integrate spiritual energies, promote spiritual and psychic protection and bring peace. Fluorite is also said to enhance the strength of other stones. Believed to be a great stone to calm and relieve anxiety, tension, and stress by detoxifying the emotional body, it is said to reduce fear of the future as well as ease anger and depression. Fluorite promotes unbiased impartiality and heightens intuitive powers making you more aware of higher spiritual realities. Fluorite is believed to bring stability to groups, linking them into a common purpose. It is associated with progress on many levels, incorporating structure into daily life. This stone is believed to overcome chaos and reorganise the physical, emotional and mental bodies. Fluorite dissolves fixed patterns of behaviour and gently opens the door to the subconscious, bringing suppressed feelings to the surface for resolution. It increases self-confidence and dexterity. Fluorite is thought to improve physical and mental coordination and counteract mental disorders. Dissolving fixed ideas, it helps you to move beyond narrow-mindedness to the bigger picture. This stone dissolves illusions and reveals truth. It is very helpful when you need to act impartially and objectively. Fluorite is believed to be an excellent learning aid, increasing concentration. It is thought to help you to absorb new information and promote quick thinking. Fluorite has a stabilising effect. It helps you to understand the effect of the mind and emotions on the body. It teaches the importance of balance in relationships. Fluorite is also thought to assists physical balance and coordination. Fluorite is believed to help prevent DNA damage, aiding in purification and assisting a weak immune system during infections. Fluorite is reputed to be helpful in assisting with stabilizing hormonal changes during PMS, PCOS and menopause. It is used in healing to benefit teeth, cells, blood pressure, detoxification, cholesterol, bones, dizziness, vertigo, balance of brain hemisphere, colds, flu and sinusitis, alleviate arthritis, rheumatism and spinal injuries, respiration, food intolerance, mobility issues, anti-viral, pineal gland problems, posture, nerves, inflammatory diseases, insomnia, stomach disorders, cramp in the intestines, prevent RNA/DNA issues, protection from contagions, and ideal health. Fluorite rekindles sexual libido. It is also believed to provide pain relief. Fluorite is associated with the third eye chakra. Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli is known as the all healing stone because of its reputed ability to balance all the chakras, cleanse the auric field and to protect you from psychic attacks. It stimulates enlightenment and enhances dream work and psychic abilities, facilitating spiritual journeying and stimulating personal and spiritual power. It is thought to bring truthfulness, openness, mental clarity and quiet to a busy or restless mind. It is believed to give the strength and ability to overcome trauma, as well as depression and grief. This stone quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace. It possesses enormous serenity and is the key to spiritual attainment. Lapis Lazuli is said to have the energy of bringing inner power and hope to build courage, confidence, and overcome shyness. Hope brings trust that things will work out despite past traumas. It is used to decrease irritability caused by trauma issues or day to day frustrations. It is also known for its reputed ability of enhancing love and fidelity within marriage. It dissolves martyrdom, cruelty and suffering. Lapis Lazuli teaches the power of the spoken word and can reverse curses or disease caused by not speaking out in the past. If repressed anger is causing difficulties in the throat or in communication, Lapis Lazuli releases these. It aids in expressing your own opinions and harmonises conflict, teaching you the value of active listening. This stone brings the enduring qualities of honesty, compassion and uprightness to the personality. Lapis Lazuli bonds relationships in love and friendship and helps you in expressing your feelings and emotions. Lapis Lazuli is used in healing for many areas and conditions including sinus ailments, cancer, headaches and migraines, the respiratory and nervous systems, speech problems, pituitary gland, body strength, virility, pain relief, heart, immune system, RLS, spleen, bones, autism, depression, epilepsy, seizures, eye and vision problems, hearing loss, vertigo, sleep disorders including insomnia, fibromyalgia, feminine reproductive system including PMS, the throat, larynx and thyroid, RNA/DNA damage and tuberculosis. Lapis Lazuli is related to both the throat and third eye chakras. Lepidolite Lepidolite is a “stone of transition”. It releases and reorganises old psychological and behavioural patterns, including change and is a stone that insists on being used for the greatest good. It dissipates negativity and is believed to be extremely useful in the reduction of stress and depression. It activates and opens the throat, heart, third eye and crown chakras, clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness. This stone is often used to aid in shamanic or spiritual journeying and in accessing the Akashic Record. It tunes you in to thoughts and feelings from other lives that are creating blockages in your present life and it is thought to take you forward into the future. Lepidolite is said to clear electromagnetic pollution. It is believed to halt obsessive thoughts, relieve despondency and overcome insomnia. Lepidolite contains lithium which can be helpful in stabilising mood swings and bipolar disorders. It is supportive in releasing from addictions and complaints of all kinds and encourages independence. Lepidolite stimulates concentration, intellect and analytic qualities, speeding up decision-making and filtering out distractions. Lepidolite is a calming stone that soothes sleep disturbances and emotional stress, bringing deep emotional healing. In healing, Lepidolite is used to locate the site of disease, relieve allergies, strengthen the immune system, restructure DNA, enhance the generation of negative ions, relieve exhaustion, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, numb sciatica and neuralgia, to overcome joint problems, detoxify the skin and connective tissue, for menopause support, “sick-building syndrome”, computer stress and for the relief of sleep disturbances. Moonstone Moonstone is known as the stone of new beginnings and is strongly connected to the moon and to the intuition. It is considered to be a great gemstone for fertility. It is said to have a reflective and calming energy that balances emotions and overreactions due to stress and anxiety. Moonstone is believed to heighten your intuition and receptivity, traditionally being used to enhance psychic abilities and to develop clairvoyance. Moonstone is said to be a stone of protection, especially during pregnancy and childbirth, and it is believed to help you welcome a new soul into your body. It is a stone of calm and relief from emotional stress. It is also associated with love of all kinds and is said to help solve problems between lovers. Moonstone is filled with receptive, passive, feminine energy. It balances male-female energies and aids men who want to get in touch with their feminine side. It is the perfect antidote for an excessively macho man or an overly aggressive female. It encourages lucid dreaming, especially at the time of the full moon and opens the mind to sudden and irrational impulses, serendipity, and synchronicity. It is reputed to bring hope and is said to have the power to grant wishes, however care should be taken that it does not indulge delusions in response to wishful thinking. Moonstone is often used to heal disorders of the upper digestive tract that are related to emotional stress. It powerfully affects the female reproductive cycle and is believed to alleviate menstrual related disease and tension. It is thought to be linked to the pineal gland and to balance the hormonal system, stabilise fluid imbalances, and attune to the biorhythmic clock. It is said to be helpful in cases of shock and can be used to calm hyperactive children. Moonstone is used in healing to aid the pituitary gland and digestive system, to aid in assimilating nutrients, eliminate toxins and fluid retention, to alleviate degenerative conditions of skin, hair, eyes and fleshy organs such as the liver and pancreas, for the reproductive system and hormonal problems. It is also used for PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth and breast feeding. Moonstone is associated with the third eye chakra, and sometimes with the crown and heart chakras. Women may need to remove moonstone at the full moon if they find the effects too powerful. Quartz Quartz is considered to be the most powerful healing and energy amplifying crystal on the planet. It is the most commonly used among all healing crystals. It is a power stone which is considered to enhance energy and focus physical, mental and emotional energy. It is used to cleanse other crystals and to dispel negative energies. It is a stone of clarity which is said to dispel negativity and is believed to be very helpful in romantic relationships. It is believed to attune to the specific energy requirement of the person needing healing or undertaking spiritual work, taking the energy to the most perfect state possible. It acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz contains every colour possible and works on all levels of being. Quartz filters out distractions, aids in concentration and enhances memory. Quartz is a great energy saver. It is used in healing for chronic fatigue, arthritis, bone injuries, burns, depression, diabetes, fibromyalgia and intestinal troubles. It also is said to stimulate the immune system, improve mental and physical energy, stamina and physical strength. It is a master healer and can be used for any condition. Clear Quartz is associated with the third eye and crown chakras, but also works effectively to harmonise and energise all chakras and align the subtle bodies. Please note that all descriptions and meanings given should be used as spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information.