LARGE 18 OUNCE CAN 3 OUNCES MORE PER CAN THAN ZEP BIG ORANGE The most popular cleaner we ever sold Hoover Orange Out part number 40327021.This has been discontinued by Hoover but we still have a few cases left. Sold only in the case lot of six cans per case. Hoover Orange Out is a solvent-based spot cleaner that has been formulated to remove stains from carpets. It effectively dissolves grease, oils, inks, catsup, crayon, grape juice, chocolate, shoe polish, and a host of other stains. The penetrating bubbling action reduces the need for manual scrubbing. Citrus solvent is a natural, powerful degreaser that cleans your toughest stains while filling your home with fragrance. REMOVES ALL OF THESE TOUGH CARPET STAINS: Coffee Cola Greasy Foods Grape Juice Lipstick Mud Oil Red Wine Shoe Polish and More!