30 BIMETALLIC COINS (CONSISTING OF TWO METALS OR ALLOYS, GENERALLY ARRANGED WITH AN OUTER RING AROUND A CONTRASTING CENTER). The product contains 30 different coins, and unique KM numbers but may be from the same country. The image is for advertising purposes only. Each bag may have different countries, years, metals, combinations, and denominations. Looking for fewer coins? Here is a link to a similar product: 10 BI-METALLIC COINS 20 BI-METALLIC COINS Interested in unique shapes and forms? (Square, diamond, hexagon, octagon, decagon, dodecagon, polygonal, scalloped (wavy) edges, pentagonal, heptagonal, octagonal, nanogonal, decagonal, hendecagonal, pentagonal): 10 COINS WITH UNUSUAL SHAPES AND FORMS 20 COINS WITH UNUSUAL SHAPES AND FORMS 30 COINS WITH UNUSUAL SHAPES AND FORMS Some of the coins may be changed with a similar catalog number. A full list of catalog numbers: Mixed. Currency: Various currencies Metal compositions: Bi-Metallic Country: Many countries Origin: African, European, South, North, Central America, Asia, Australia and Oceania Denomination: Many denominations Type: Collections, Lots Year: 1950 - 2020 Weight: 200 g. Shape: Round